30 May 2018 World Cup Sweepstake Kit
Get yourself ready for the 2018 FIFA World Cup with this superb sweepstake kit, a fun way to make the World Cup more interesting and to give you another team to support when England inevitably get knocked out in the group stages!
Start the sweepstake at work, home or in the pub and charge whatever your colleagues/friends are willing to pay.
Cut out the teams on the table with the dotted lines and distribute to your fellow contestants and use the other table to record who has which team but be sure you ‘sell’ every team, if you have one team left over – see if somebody wishes to ‘buy’ another team!
We suggest the final prize money should be as below:
Winners: 60% of final pot
Runners-Up: 25% of final pot
3rd Place: 10% of final pot
4th Place: 5% of final pot
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